The Ohio State University Employee Homeownership Incentive

In an effort to increase the level of homeownership in the University District, The Ohio State University developed a down payment assistance program in 1998 for its faculty and staff for the purpose of purchasing homes within the neighborhoods of the University District. In 2017, this program was expanded to include the historic Near East Side where the University and its partners made a commitment to revitalize one of the city’s most historic neighborhoods—home to University Hospital East and CarePoint. The down payment assistance is a $8,000 forgivable loan to be used toward the purchase of a home in the Incentive Area is available to eligible employees of The Ohio State University. To following critera must be met to be eligible for the Homeownership Incentive Program:

  • Be an employee of The Ohio State University - All faculty and staff who are employees of OSU (must be regularly receiving paychecks from OSU) with regular appointments of 50% FTE or greater.

  • It must be the applicants primary residence - The home must serve as the recipient’s principal residence and can be single family, 2 to 4 family, condominium or new construction dwelling.

  • It must be located within the Incentive Area

Please contact Cassaundra Patterson via e-mail at or by phone at 614-247-8037 if you are interested in applying for the Ohio State Faculty & Staff Near East Side Homeownership Incentive Program. Click here to download the application.